Update from Training


We are officially half-way done with our Orientation here in Richmond, Virginia. I have cried hot tears. Made new friends. Been humbled and challenged and corrected and encouraged by God through the teachings and the incredibly gifted trainers. I came into this 7 weeks not particularly excited, but figuring it would be good for my kids and I might be able to contribute to others’ growth some. I have come face to face with how much growth I still have need of, and how good this has been for me too.

When we first arrived, Omara and Isaac both spent some nights crying themselves to sleep as the reality of leaving hit in a new way. The internet is slower, the rules are different, the schedule is pretty controlled, and friends are far away. But Omara has thrown herself into new friendships with great gusto, and we rarely see her after breakfast until bedtime now! She has a group of girls around her age, plus a few older kids and lots of young adults who are simply phenomenal at mentoring and loving our kiddos. Isaac has moved into a phase of resigned peace, which is better than the heartbreak. But we’re praying he discovers true joy and excitement as we move on to Kenya and establish more permanent routines and relationships next month.

No other job that I can imagine would provide 7 week live-in training, complete with cooked meals and age-appropriate child training. No other job would spend 2 weeks of that time just looking at issues of character and the heart. Of recognizing that Jesus is the vine and we are branches, able to produce the fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control only as long as we are attached. Looking at how that impacts our job, our families, our roles, our churches. Calling us to authenticity and humility and love. I wish every one of you were able to spend 7 weeks like this—even as my brain is mush and my notebook is full and I’m mostly asleep by 9:15pm.

For our friends and family in Southern Baptist churches, THANK YOU for the giving that makes this degree of training possible. This is not an assignment, I promise—this is heartfelt gratitude that you have made it possible for us to be sent out as the healthiest and readiest we could be. It’s not easy to leave our community here. We’re headed into work that will likewise not be easy.  But God has used you to provide for us here, and we know that will continue.

We ask that you also continue to pray for the people of Kenya. In the past week, devastating floods have killed over 180 people, displaced an estimated 200,000, and they are about to be hit by yet another cyclone over the next 2 days. The destruction has been staggering. Pray for the people impacted, for the rains to stop, for national unity in place of political finger-pointing in the face of this tragedy, and for donations to get to the people who need it most. If you are interested in helping, I recommend donating to Send Relief www.sendrelief.org which is a highly ethical, effective aid organization with people already on the ground.  


  1. Oh Miriam, I see the Lord has made your cup to overflowing. It is a beautiful thing to see God drawing you so close to Himself, preparing you for the next journey of mothering Omara and Isaac as they learn a different culture and life and as you all learn how to minister and love life where God has opened wide the doors of opportunity and adventure
    to each of you.
    Our prayers go with you and also our excitement and joy for the future our God has in store for you.
    Love, Claudia & Al (Rudd)

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad our paths overlapped in Malawi- we'll always cherish our memories together. But I have to admit...I'm glad I don't have to do 40/40 again! =)

  2. We are excited for you all, and appreciate your transparency in this hard season. We will continue to lift up you and the kids.
    You're right. Nobody gets the excellent training and preparation the company provides.

  3. You are such a kindhearted, loving, caring and supportive..may God bless you


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