
Showing posts from February, 2010

The Rains

The rains have arrived in all their glory. As the photo indicates, it was a welcome arrival to say the least. Green grass, corn fields, and flowers have sprung up everywhere. Of course, instead of dust we now have mud, but even that can't damper our spirits too much. I am amazed at how things grow anywhere and everywhere here. Every unoccupied yard has become a corn field. Alleys between houses, what used to be rubbish heaps, the berms beside major roads...they're all corn fields now. Since the main food is made from corn-meal, these fields are essential to survival. So far, it appears it should be a good harvest in October. I pray it is: our house helper had to take a loan of 4-month's salary to pay for the fertilizer in hopes of being able to feed his family for the whole year on his crop! This time is called the 'season of hunger' because last year's maize is running out about now, and they aren't able to harvest this year's yet. Petty crime escalates...