It's definately a boy

3 weeks ago the internet told us that an unborn baby's genitals were differentiated enough to tell gender. Anya danced around with joy, begged us to go to the ultrasound "right NOW!" and at dinner prayed, thanking God that the baby finally had private parts. Today, those private parts were none too private, and there's no doubt a little boy is on the way! At first I was too wraped up in excitement over having a boy and feeling little flecks of sadness over all the girl-dreams that would never be. But then I started watching the screen as the ultrasonographer was doing her training (and thus took twice as long). I took in the 4 chambers of the beating heart, the perfectly straight spine, the arm and leg bones just the right length, even the little bladder and two kidneys formed as they should be. We saw him swallow, kick, and flip over (to the irritation of the tech, who just wanted one good look at the entire spine!) With baby number 1, I soaked in the beauty of the unborn, oblivious to just how blessed I was. I never imagined anything other than perfection. With baby number 2, my head knew the ultrasound was for some purpose other than my edification, but my heart was still arrogent in assuming all would be well. This time, after more years in the medical profession, more praying with friends through their illness and grief, and a deeper awareness of the true miracle of healthy babies, I felt overwhelming thankfulness and humility at God's grace and gifts.

Knit away, Lord, knit away, and we will do our best to teach these little ones to honor You.


  1. That is so wonderful. Boys are such a blessing. Busy and rough, but a blessing none the less :) I am glad all is looking good! I am sure that eases your mind going overseas. Okay, so this tired mommy needs to stop typing and sleep. Take care & God Bless!

  2. Yeah for healthy babies and their revealing genitalia! Congrats on both accounts! Loves!

  3. I am so excited to meet this new baby! :) I love this blog. Babies bring smiles to my do their extraordinarily beautiful mamma's. :) Love you, M!


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